The Cost of Liposuction: What to Expect and How Much to Budget

When considering a cosmetic procedure like liposuction, it’s important to understand the costs involved. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body, improving body contours and proportion. The cost of liposuction can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the surgeon’s experience, the type of procedure used, and the geographic location of the procedure. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on what to expect and how much to budget for liposuction.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Liposuction

There are several factors that can influence the cost of liposuction. These include:

  • The Surgeon’s Experience: Surgeons with more experience and a proven track record of successful procedures often charge more for their services.
  • The Type of Procedure: There are several types of liposuction procedures, including tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, and laser-assisted liposuction. The type of procedure used can affect the overall cost.
  • Geographic Location: The cost of liposuction can vary greatly depending on where the procedure is performed. For example, procedures performed in urban areas or areas with a high cost of living may be more expensive.

Average Cost of Liposuction

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of liposuction in 2019 was around ,500. This cost only includes the surgeon’s fee and does not include other costs such as anesthesia, operating room facilities, or other related expenses. Therefore, the total cost of liposuction can often be significantly higher than the surgeon’s fee alone.

Additional Costs to Consider

When budgeting for liposuction, it’s important to consider additional costs that may not be included in the initial quote. These can include:

  • Anesthesia Fees: These fees can vary depending on whether local or general anesthesia is used.
  • Hospital or Surgical Facility Costs: These costs can vary depending on the length of the procedure and any additional services provided.
  • Medical Tests: Preoperative tests may be required to ensure you are in good health before the procedure.
  • Post-surgery Garments: Special garments may be needed after the procedure to help with healing and shaping.
  • Prescriptions for Medication: Medication may be needed for pain management or to prevent infection after the procedure.


While the cost of liposuction can vary greatly, it’s important to remember that the surgeon’s experience and your comfort with them should be just as important as the final cost of the procedure. Always consult with multiple surgeons and do your research before making a decision. Remember, liposuction is a significant medical procedure and should not be decided upon lightly.